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He Iwi E kiia ana ko Queer

Ko te kaupapa a A Tribe Called Queer ko te ngaki i nga waahi haumaru mo BIPOC & LGBTQIA2S+ ma te oranga hinengaro, toi, matauranga, me etahi atu. Ko te whakakaha mau tonu o nga hapori BIPOC & LGBTQIA2S+ ko ta matou whainga.

Ahakoa he aha te ahua o te tangata i runga i nga awhi o te ira tangata me te taangata, he mea nui kia whakamanahia to tuakiri ki nga waahi maha ka taea.


A Tribe Called Queer e whai ana ki te whakakoi i a koe i roto i to tino ataahua.

A Tribe Called Queer is a Los Angeles based multidisciplinary community organization dedicated to the everlasting empowering of BIPOC & LGBTQIA2S+ community through mental health, wellness, art, education and more! 


Ka whakaratohia e matou he kaupapa hapori e waatea ana, he rauemi whakamiharo, he tuku mariko kore utu, he purongo purongo, he raina kakahu kore ira tangata, zine oranga, me etahi atu mea kei te heke mai! 

Ko ta matou Kaihanga ko Sabine Maxine Lopez (ko ia/ratou). He Queer BIPOC Non-Binary Femme no Los Angeles, California. He momo tohu-maha-maori, ka kitea e koe a Sabine e whakaatu ana i a ia ano ma te hoahoa, te tuhi, te whakaahua, te ahua, me te maha atu. Ina tata nei i whakauruhia tana tuhinga roa 'My Journey to Design' ki te pukapuka ' The Black Experience in Design: Identity, Reflection & Expression! '

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